Keluang Man: 3 Reasons He’s Not Just A Batman Rip-Off

Ladies and gentlemen of the grand jury, I stand before you to address a common misconception about Keluang Man, a beloved Malaysian superhero often dismissed as merely a knock-off or parody of Batman. Today, I will demonstrate why Keluang Man is much more than that and deserves recognition on his own merit. I will present three compelling reasons to support this argument.

…And technically, ‘keluang’ means ‘fruit bat’, not ‘bat’

“Keluang Man” is a Malaysian animated series created by UAS Animation Studios. It has impressively aired for seven seasons with a total of 144 episodes. Recently, the superhero has gained renewed attention following Astro Shaw’s announcement of a live-action film adaptation of “Keluang Man,” scheduled for release in 2025.

Keluang Man animated series (1998-2005)

Reason #1: His Humble Beginnings

Nas-T has already started his mewing streak 

Unlike Batman, Keluang Man was not born into wealth. He did not have a personal butler or cutting-edge technology to assist him in his fight against crime.

He’s not a billionaire, okay!

Keluang Man’s origin story is markedly different from Batman’s. Before becoming Keluang Man, he was Borhan, a man whose life was turned upside down when his fiancée, Suri, was kidnapped by an enemy. During an attempt to protect her, Borhan suffered a severe head injury, which profoundly impacted his mental health.

Reason #2: His Struggle With Mental Health

Borhan, a mentally ill patient 

By day, Keluang Man is a mentally ill patient; by night, he is a vigilante. This unique aspect sets him apart from the typical superhero narrative.

Batman is known for his mentally ill adversaries, who often end up in Arkham Asylum. In contrast, Keluang Man himself is a patient at an asylum called Hospital Bahagia Tumpoi. This aspect of his character brings a nuanced portrayal of mental health issues, focusing on the struggle rather than simply depicting mental illness as a trait of villains.

Reason #3: His Arch-Nemesis

Remy Ishak to play Samsir Jauhari 

Batman’s rogues’ gallery includes a range of criminally insane villains like The Joker, Two-Face, and The Riddler. In contrast, Keluang Man’s arch-nemesis is Samsir Jauhari, a mentally sane villain who rivals Keluang Man with his exceptional martial arts skills. What truly differentiates him from Batman’s villains is his use of black magic to combat his foes.

Closing Argument

The cast and crews of Keluang Man

Ladies and gentlemen of the grand jury, I must emphasize that Keluang Man is not a mere imitation of Batman. Based on the three reasons I have presented, Keluang Man is fundamentally different from Batman—he hails from a humble background, struggles with mental health issues, and faces a unique arch-nemesis.

Astro Shaw has been producing banger after banger 

As we speak, Astro Shaw is developing the live-action adaptation of Keluang Man’s story. With a track record of successful local series and movies such as “Sheriff,” “The Experts,” “Polis Evo 3,” “One Cent Thief,” “Projek: High Council,” and “Projek: Anchor SPM,” I am confident that “Keluang Man” is in excellent hands.

Thank you.

Thank you for reading. Have a coffee.

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